+356 2133 1279      +356 79331279 info@pirottafishingcentre.com.mt

 Special Offers:


Look out for the BLUE STICKERS: 


(marked with BLUE STICKERS)


Poles @ Blue Sticker Discount of 60 %

Ex: 8 mts Carbon Pole

Normal Price: 218.60 Euro Blue Sticker Discounted Price @ 87.45 Euro


Lures, Jigs, Sabiki @ Blue Sticker  Discount of    60 % 


 Reel Rods @ Blue Sticker Discount of 60 % 


Reels @ Blue Sticker Discount of 60 %


Lines & Braids @ Blue Sticker Discount of 60 %

 Hooks @ Blue Sticker Discount of 60 %


Rod Pockets, Tackle Boxes & Bags @ Blue Sticker Discount of 60%

                                    All other items  at normal price    



Offer valid at our shop.

Opening Hours: 


Monday to Friday:

OPEN ALL DAY 9:30 am to 7:00 pm

Saturday 9:30 am to 1:00 pm

& 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm

excluding public holidays